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Transportmarketplace E-zine N#13

Dear All,

The September marks the return of the spirits in vacations and here is the E-zine of the month from Transportmarketplace. This time we bring you two great news.

You must be very excited to hear about the great news from River Transportmarketplace that recently it introduced a new member to the Networkers team, Port-of-Givet Transportmarketplace, conducted by Communauté de Communes Ardenne Rives de Meuse (CCARM). Based in France, Port of Givet is dedicated to the transport and logistics sector specially in the fluvial field.

Recently, Global Transportmarketplace reunited all the European Networkers. The Transportmarketplace Networkers team has developed into a big scale that there are Licensed Networker and its Lite Networker, and Coporate Networkers.

The present ones are:
  1. Global Transportmarketplace (animated by Régis, dedicated to the world's transport field)
  2. River Transportmarketplace (animated by Pierre Antoine, dedicated to the trades in the river sector)
  3. Port-of-Givet Transportmarketplace (animated by Richard, dedicated to the transactions at the port)
  4. Normandie Transportmarketplace (animated by Loïc, dedicated to the business in the region)
  5. Airfreight Transportmarketplace (animated by Frédéric, dedicated to the trades in the airfreight sector)
  6. China Transportmarketplace (animated by Feihuang, dedicated to the business in the country)
Global Transportmarketplace is the matrix and center to support all the Networkers. Spread from the matrix, the Licensed Networker supports its Lite Networker as well. At the same time, the Coporate Netwokers are supported by the center directly.

With the agreement of the Networkers team in the meeting, we are going to expand the services in Europe and Africa. Later on the customers in the Mediterranean area, including south France, Italy, Spain, and north African countries, will be easier to find their business partners, like the shippers or the carriers.
  • Italy Transportmarketplace (Animated by Fulvia, dedicated to the business in the country)
  • Spain Transportmarketplace (Animated by Omid, dedicated to the business in the country)
  • Africa Transportmarketplace (Animated by Cherif, dedicated to the business in the continent)
To achieve the objective, more networkers are going to join the family. In the near future, you will see Italy Transportmarketplace, Spain Transportmarketplace, and Africa Transportmarketplace

Interested in being one of them? Why not visit our Networker's page?

Transportmarketplace thanks Voies Navigables de France (VNF) for being the sponsor of the Networkers Meeting.

And we are proudly introducing the exhibition of River Dating on 12th and 13th December 2012

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